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Exclusive Importers of Black Peppercorns from Madagascar

Welcome to a unique shopping experience created by Karen Jean Vaucher, a 30 year veteran of the restaurant business in the toughest market in the world - New York City!

Black Pepper from Madagascar

When I first received a kilo of this very special peppercorn as a gift from a business associate I loved it right off the bat. Being a foodie my whole life I immediately filled all my peppermills at home with this extraordinary product. What I didn't expect was the reaction I had from guests in my home. As they ground the pepper I observed surprise, curiosity and pure pleasure as first the aroma and then the taste entered into their senses. "What kind of pepper is this? It smells and tastes so good" was the usual response. At this point I realized I had to inquire about exporting this product. After extensive research I discovered that the pepper from Madagascar is the finest, most aromatic pepper in the world.

Madagascar pepper is loved by the French who prized the country of Madagascar as one of its colonies for many generations. Thus, the French purchase about 98% of the Madagascar harvest each year. The remaining peppercorns stay in the region of Africa. Spices, such as black pepper, only grow in very specific parts of the world where the climate is right. It takes a significant amount of rainfall, on a daily basis, along with intense heat and humidity to grow a superior product. As a product of their environment, the peppercorns of Madagascar are the best in the world. Each grain is hand picked from the clusters on the branches harvested each year. This is a mind boggling concept when you think about the size of an individual peppercorn. My research confirmed that no one in the U.S. was importing pepper from Madagascar, so I have a unique product. If you try these peppercorns, I guarantee you will be hooked from the get go.

I am now carrying a variety of sea salts from around the world and a special collection of dry rubs for grilling and roasting, as well as other gourmet products and gadgets from the Mediterranean region of France and Italy. After a twenty year career as a French Bistro owner (Bistro du Nord, Le Bilboquet, Bar du Theatre) in New York City, I now operate Old Stone Market in Harper, TX, where I have become known as a chef's resource.


Take me to the Pepper !